Friday, July 24, 2009

Poor Toby

This is Toby. He is a very emotional and highly excitable boy in his last year of Kindergarten. Toby plays air guitar, needs to be first at everything, and only really wants to use the blue crayons. He has an unhealthy obsession with puzzles and is known for his very own special brand of "Toby" fits and tantrums. He sometimes yells "Who likes Toby?" and raises his hand. Then when none of the other children raise their hands, he cries and wants to know "Why no one like Toby?" Clearly, he will already be needing lots of therapy if he ever wants to be a productive member of society. Toby does not need any new obstacles to be sent his way. So, the question is- WHY WOULD YOU PERM THIS CHILD?!?!?!?!?

I am of the opinion that perms don't look good on anyone. ESPECIALLY MEN (or boys as it were). To borrow some phrasing from my friend Adam (with whom I share an apparent shoe shopping bond)- I'm against them. I am really against them. I've never seen a perm I liked. Perms are bad. Mee Teacher said that maybe I just don't like that style. That is true. I don't like that style because it is ugly and looks bad.

So, to recap: A perm is a bad idea. A perm on Toby is Tragic.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Dr. Fish!

Have you ever wanted to stick your feet into a tub of water containing a bunch of fish that wanted to bite at them? I have!

Sometimes you've been wanting to do something for a long time but then your best friend said he wants to do it with you and then could never seem to find the time. Then you get tired of waiting and you decide to go with your other good friend, Kate, and your other friend Stacy. Except then the place where you wanted to do it has closed down. So then you try one somewhere else but that one is closed too. So then you are angry because you waited so long and its closed. But then there is another one and you go the next weekend with your good friend Kate and its fun. But it probably would have been more fun to go to the original one because that one didn't have a time limit and this one does.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Happy Birthday, USA! From, Korea

Haunted House at the Wolmido Boardwalk- It was scary!

I spent the 4th of July- one of my favorite holidays- in Incheon. Conclusion: Walking around with a beer in your hand, lighting off fireworks wherever you want is exactly the freedom our forefathers were fighting for. Some people ate hot dogs. Some people hit baseballs. It was all very American. We also went to the boardwalk. I rode the Viking twice. It was scary and fun. I won a bear key chain for throwing darts at balloons (all my dart throwing practice has really paid off). Some of the pictures are cool. I think they look like war zone photos.

Best Friends Style

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Triumph & Tragedy of Being on my Own... In Korea

(to paraphrase Loyal Frisby)

A couple weeks ago, I lost my phone. Normally I like Korea. I like my life here and I have fun. But every once in a while tragedy strikes. Losing my phone was devastating.

If you know me at all, you are probably familiar with my itty bitty mood swings and tendency to react extremely and emotionally. I reacted as such when my phone disappeared. I lived without a phone for 5 days, during which I felt out of touch and depressed. Not only did I have no way of communicating with anyone, but I had lost all of my phone numbers, pictures, Zoozooclub high scores, notes I had made for myself about all sorts of things, my T-money (bus fare) phone charm, and my sense of security. I had my Korean friend call my phone repeatedly, hoping that some kind Korean taxi driver would answer it and agree to meet me and return it. Nobody answered.

It all worked out in the end. My friend Tracy (who I love) 's boyfriend (who I also love) gave me his old phone. I didn't have to buy a new phone. I didn't even have to pay any sort of reactivation fee or anything. The only thing I had to do was buy a 2,000 won adapter for my charger and a new T-money charm. But I learned a lesson. Korea feels safer than America and I'm sure it IS safer than America but caution never hurt anyone. So, I'm back to locking my door most of the time.

On the other hand...

I got an air conditioner! I'm going to sleep so well! And since my apartment no longer feels like a sauna, I can start doing my hair again. asaaa!